Australian King-Parrot

Alisterus scapularis
Size: Birds Size: 42 cm
Family: Psittacidae (Parrots, 40 species in Australia)
Distribution: Within about 300 km of the coast of NSW and most of VIC and Southern QLD
Status: Common
Habitat: Moist, tall forests, and adjacent farmlands. Orchards, parks and gardens in autumn and winter
References: Simpson and Day, Reader's Digest
About the Australian King-Parrot
The Australian King-Parrot is a fairly common bird in some parts of the Blue Mountains, but not seen nearly as often as the Crimson Rosella. They are larger than rosellas and the sexes are obviously different.
The male (pictured below) has a red head while the female has a green head and does not have the "fluoro" bright green stripe on the side like the male does.
Photo: By Steven Giles at Shutterstock. Higher Resolution 6000 x 4000.
Artwork: John Gould, 'The Birds of Australia', 1848. Higher Resolution 677 x 1000.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Male.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Male.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Female.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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