White-throated Treecreeper

Cormobates leucophaeus
Size: Birds Size: 13-15 cm
Family: Climacteridae (Australo-Papuan Treecreepers, 6 species in Australia).
Distribution: Within about 1000 km of the coasts of NSW, Southern QLD, most of VIC small parts of southeast SA.
Status: Common
Habitat: Rainforests, sclerophyll forests, woodlands.
References: Simpson and Day, Reader's Digest
About the White-throated Treecreeper
If you have ever seen a White-throated Treecreeper you will know instantly why it is called a "treecreeper". It literally creeps up tree trunks, looking for insects and grubs to eat. When it nears the top of the tree it flies down and starts again from near the bottom of the same or another tree. It is often seen in the Blue Mountains in native bush and in domestic gardens that are close to native bush. It has a call that sounds a little like the most common call of the Eastern Spinebill, except lower in pitch, more time between the "pips", and each pip has a slight change of pitch in it — unlike the Eastern Spinebill who's "pips" stay on the same pitch.
Photo: Victoria, Australia. By Imogen Warren at Shutterstock. Higher Resolution 3463 x 2309.
Photo: Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW.
Photo: Blaxland, Blue Mountains NSW.
Artwork: John Gould, 'The Birds of Australia', 1848. Higher Resolution 655 x 1000.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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