Frilled-necked Lizard

Chlamydosaurus kingii
Other Names: Frillneck, Frilled Lizard, Frilled Dragon, Frilled agama.
Size: Typical 27 cm not including tail. 85 cm including tail.
Family: Agamidae, a family of iguanian lizards indigenous to Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards.
Distribution: The northern regions of Australia only, about the top 1/4 or 1/5th of the country, all the way to the northern coastline, as far south as the coastal regions of southern QLD.
Habitat: C. kingii is largely arboreal, spending the majority of the time in the trees.
References: Wilson and Swan, Wikipedia.
About the Frilled-necked Lizard
Its common names come from the large frill around its neck, which usually stays folded against the lizard's body.
Diet: Its diet consists mainly of insects and small vertebrates. Frilled-neck lizards, or 'frillies' as some call them, will occasionally eat plants as well, although this behaviour is uncommon.
Photo taken at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, NSW. Higher Resolution 3024 x 2012.
Photo taken at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, NSW. Higher Resolution 2012 x 3024.
Photo taken at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, NSW. Higher Resolution 2012 x 3024.
Photo taken at Australian Reptile Park, Gosford NSW.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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