Tawny Frogmouth

Podargus strigoides
Size: Birds Size: M 48cm, F 34 cm
Family: Podargidae (Australian Frogmouths, 3 species in Australia)
Distribution: All of Australia
Status: Common
Habitat: Woodlands
References: Simpson and Day, Reader's Digest
About the Tawny Frogmouth
The Tawny Frogmouth is around a lot but not that often seen. It is noctural and sleeps in the day, with its body extended to look like a log. Its position, stillness and colouring combine to make it very hard to see.
They have a strange call, which is kind of creepy, that goes "oo oo oo oo oo oo...".
They are not owls although many people think that they are, because they fly at night and they eat small animals (like an owl), and they kind of look like and owl.
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Photo: By Danny Ye at Shutterstock. Higher Resolution 6720 x 4480.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW.
Artwork: John Gould, 'The Birds of Australia', 1848. Higher Resolution 664 x 1000.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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