Tiger Quoll (Spot-tailed Quoll)

Dasyurus maculatus
Other Names: Spot-tail Quoll, Spotted-tailed Quoll, Tiger Cat
Size: Head-to-body 35-75 cm, Tail 35-55 cm
Family: Dasyuridae (Dasyurids, 55 species in Australia)
Distribution: Within about 300 km of the coast of NSW, VIC, Southern QLD and a tiny bit of Eastern SA. All of TAS. A small population in coastal N QLD.
Status: Formerly widespread, now only widespread in TAS, sparse in parts of Eastern Australia and vulnerable elsewhere.
Habitat: Rainforest, wet and dry sclerophyll forest, coastal heath and scrub, sometimes Red Gum forest along inland rivers
References: Menkhorst and Knight
About the Tiger Quoll (Spot-tailed Quoll)
The Tiger Quoll (Spot-tailed Quoll) is the only Australian mammal with a spotted tail.
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Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Higher Resolution 2248 x 1942.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Higher Resolution 2604 x 1879.
Photo: Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney NSW. Higher Resolution 1806 x 2764.
Distribution of Tiger Quoll. Image by Nrg800 at Wikipedia.
See Also
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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