The phrase "the Earth is dying" is often used to describe the significant and escalating challenges facing our planet. A great many aspects of our planet are under severe stress due to human...
Read MoreThe Eastern Spinebill is an extremely common bird in gardens in the Blue Mountains. It has a distinctive call which sounds a bit like "sawing" (it makes sense when you hear it), and a more...
Read MoreIf you have ever seen a White-throated Treecreeper you will know instantly why it is called a "treecreeper". It literally creeps up tree trunks, looking for insects and grubs to eat. When it nears...
Read MoreThe Powerful Owl is Australia's largest owl. Their sound is a fairly slow, haunting, "wooooooow, woooow", usually two "woooow's" but occasionally one....
Read MoreA very common water bird. The male has a "mane" on the top of his head, hence its other name, the "Maned Duck"....
Read MoreThe Australian King-Parrot is a fairly common bird in some parts of the Blue Mountains, but not seen nearly as often as the Crimson Rosella. They are larger than rosellas and the sexes...
Read MoreThe Tawny Frogmouth is around a lot but not that often seen. It is noctural and sleeps in the day, with its body extended to look like a log. Its position, stillness and colouring...
Read MoreThe Southern Boobook Owl is the most commonly seen and heard owl in many parts of Australia, including Sydney and the Blue Mountains....
Read MoreThe Grey Shrike-thrush is best known for its lovely song. Birdwatchers call this bird the "GST"....
Read MoreThe Red-browed Firetail (or Red-browed Finch) is a common bird in the Blue Mountains. They are small and can be found either on the ground or in trees, usually a few together at a time....
Read MoreThe Spotted Turtle-Dove is a kind of pigeon, however not as "gross" as the common Feral Pigeon. It has an easily recognisable "coo coooo", or "coo cooooo coo" kind of call which (like most...
Read MoreA well known bird, the Willie Wagtail is well dressed in black and white and tails. It shakes its tail from side to side and sings a song that is meant to sound like...
Read MoreThe Little Pied Cormorant is not really that little, but it is smaller than the other cormorants including the Little Black Cormorant. ...
Read MoreThe Crested Pigeon is often seen in the lower Blue Mountains, and in much of Sydney. It is a native pigeon, unlike the common feral pigeon (also called the Rock Dove) which...
Read MoreSee also: Why would I want to learn sustainable living and wilderness survival skills? ...
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